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Hello, I’m Kundan, the founder of TayariWorld, an educational website dedicated to empowering aspirants, preparing for Government Jobs. While my professional career finds me working in the Indian Railways, my true passion lies in blogging.

My blogging journey began back in 2019, driven by a deep desire to share knowledge and connect with others online. Unfortunately, due to unavoidable circumstances I left. Despite not being an engineer nor having coding knowledge, my unwavering passion has driven me to pursue this endeavor so I start again in May 2023. I believe that anyone can achieve their dreams if they are passionate about something and willing to put in the effort.

During my break, Satish Kushwaha’s content became a catalyst, reigniting my determination to pursue blogging and establish a platform that offers valuable educational resources to Government Job aspirants. His informative videos sparked a fire within me.

In my own journey, I purchased hosting from Hostinger on May 27, 2023, using the code “SATISHK,” and I also acquired a fresh domain, “tayariworl.in,” on June 3, 2023. I invested 3-4 days in setting up my website using the “Generate Press Premium” theme and posted 7-8 articles. Unfortunately, I encountered an error showing “Mobile Visibility Error” on my website. Determined not to be deterred, I switched to the Astra Theme and continued posting 20-25 articles.

On July 6, 2023, I applied for Google AdSense approval and received it on July 8, 2023. I was thrilled to receive AdSense approval on my new domain. However, it wasn’t an easy journey, as I had to give my 100% to my blog while juggling an 8-hour job. Nonetheless, I learned many valuable lessons from the YouTube Videos of Satish Kushwaha, as well as from WebinsightsSadam Kasim, and BloggingOS

Managing a full-time job and blogging simultaneously can be quite demanding, but my unwavering passion fuels my determination to overcome any challenges that come my way. I firmly believe that when you truly love what you do, you can find the strength to pursue your passions amidst a busy schedule.

So, my message to you is to believe in yourself and your capabilities. With passion, dedication, and the right resources, you can overcome any challenges and achieve your goals. Don’t let your background or lack of expertise hold you back. Embrace your dreams, put in the effort, and make them a reality. Remember, the journey may be tough, but the rewards are worth it. Keep pushing forward, and success will come your way.

I want to inspire you to believe in yourself and your abilities. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to, regardless of your background or expertise. All it takes is passion and a willingness to pursue your dreams.

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